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06 September 2022

Grid support is everyone’s job


At CE+T, we have many contacts with DSOs and we aim at helping them in their work, such as our customers in all applications. We might think that it is the DSOs’ job to provide everyone with the electricity we need but in fact, this is a collaborative task between DSOs and consumers.

Why is the grid at risk?

This can be explained during hours but here is a summary… The energy world is rapidly changing and it has consequences such as :

  • Decentralized production: increased number of renewable energy
  • Duck curve: high demand during peak time, partly due to EV invading the market
  • Electrisation of the industry: avoid use of fuel, coals, fossils and replace by other type of energy and installation mostly using electricity (part of it is from the grid)

This is an evolving situation that CE+T Energrid is following closely in order to be always ready to provide an innovative response to these challenges.

How can you support the grid?

It all starts with how much energy you take from the grid and when you use it. With our solutions, you can draw energy from different sources, prioritize their use and efficiently convert the energy into AC or DC, depending on your needs. With this logic, the grid will not be used as a the first energy source.

You have batteries

If you have batteries, you can store energy and use it when the grid is “crowded” or if you need a large amount of energy for a short period of time. This situation can happen for example when everyone arrives at work and want to charge their EV or when you are starting a big engine requiring a lot of energy. The energy stored in your batteries will come from the grid but will be taken when the demand and/or the energy price is low.

Our solutions can support a wide range of DC and many types of battery chemistries. The situation is equivalent when you have other types of storage such as fuel cells or fly wheels.

You have a genset + batteries

Using the genset is a solution to relieve the grid but of course, it has some disadvantages (CO2 emission, price of the fuel is high, …). Therefore, you can use the genset only when the batteries are empty and the grid is not available. As in the situation above, batteries will be charged and discharged during specific periods of times.

Our solution will be connected to the genset, the grid, the batteries and your loads. The energy sources will be blended to provide you a cost-effective use of energy.

You have solar panels and batteries

Your priority is to use solar energy to power your loads and/or to charge your batteries. You will use the grid only in situation when solar energy is not available and batteries are empty or to charge your batteries when no solar energy is available. This also works if you have other types of renewable energies such as wind turbine.

Our solution will prioritize the energy source you use to optimize their use and reduce the cost of energies. One of the consequences is that the ROI on your PV will be improved.

What’s in it for you to support the grid?

A part of the answer is mentioned above: you will definitely reduce your energy costs!

Moreover, many countries and continents are developing a kind of stock exchange for the energy open to private prosumers. You will therefore be able to sell your excess of energy and get paid for it! How?

  1. By aggregating our storage systems into Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) pool. In the event of a frequency deviation, automatic reserves are needed to stabilize the frequency and avoid blackouts. Frequency Containment Reserves (FCR) react automatically to compensate for frequency deviations and stabilize the frequency at a stationary value.
  2. By selling your excess of energy through the intraday market. The intraday market helps secure the necessary balance between supply and demand. In Europe, the largest intraday power exchanges are the EPEX Spot (European Power Exchange Spot Market) in Paris and the Nord Pool.

Moreover, grid support is reducing the return on investment of the energy storage system dramatically.

How CE+T Energrid can help you?

We provide standard and customized power solutions coupled with our state-of-the-art monitoring. We have a team of passionate and our own R&D centers to develop the solution that matches your needs and evolve with the market. Our strength is the regular exchanges with our customers to build together a unique solution!

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